10 January, 2006

NWA - #2

Well, I made it back home- barely. Northwest Airlines is the bottom of the barrel. When they gave me two $5 meal vouchers for my “inconvenience” in Traverse City (9 hour delay- that is) I expected to be able to use one on the trip to Dallas and one on the way back.


In Detroit on the way back home, I took the 2nd voucher up to get a sandwich and was it was rejected due the fact that the voucher is only good for 24 hours. So I went to a NWA agent and asked for it to be redeemed for a new one. Nope.

These employees have no power to affect happy customers even when it means thinking outside of their little box. Most of these employees are good people I’m sure, but the airline is just the absolute worst service organization I have ever experienced.

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