20 January, 2006

Lazy Day of Summer

Lazy Day of Summer

The winds doth blow around my head
To carry forth the bug and petal.
The crickets lay upon their bed
And to this peace they settle.

The sound of a lonely day gone by
The grass and trees hold testament.
Of those that here did laugh and cry
To dream of a world in betterment.

This poem was written in the summer of 2004 in Hillman, MI as I was sitting in my car down a lonely dirt road and parked underneath a giant oak. It was my lunch break in-between fundraiser launches at a nearby school. Since then until today, this poem has remained in my notepad portfolio. I decided to preserve it here before the paper gets destroyed.

1 comment:

Jody said...

Hey there, Mark! Glad you stopped by and read up on some of my stuff. Hello to your wife and kids. I have some great correspondence that I've got to send you that I emailed back & forth to a "customer service representative" from NWA. Good stuff...you will love how I chewed them out after they charged me an extra fee for my "excess baggage weight". I had fun writing this womand several times- I felt I was wasting enough of her time to make up for the $25.oo fee I had been charged. Then one day she wrote that they apprciated my questions and concerns- but they now considered the matter closed. Anyway, I felt bad that my fun had come to an end...I will send you copies of my emails, since I see you are so fond of their service as well. Hopefully you will get a good laugh. Chip is afraid to ever book a flight with me- he says my name probably pops up in big red letters on the screen. And I know my bags will probably end up "missing" next time my travels bring me to NWA. Anyway, glad to get back in touch with you...and sorry if my thoughts of Teagan and/Heaven made you cry. I'll be back!