30 April, 2007

New Camera Coming!

Believe it or not I have never owned a digital camera.

Here it is 2007 and I am the last to jump on the bandwagon. The last time we got anything like this was back in 1995 when we got the Sony Hi-8 Camcorder for purt-ni $1000. That was right before Kellen was born and we have used it a bunch. That being said- we have been using the camcorder less and less and its become a hassle to get out and use anymore. That is all analog- so I need to figure out a way to transfer all that footage to DVD someday.

The camera is scheduled to arrive here this coming Thursday via FedEx. It is a Sony DSC-H2 that was last year's new release but is now being replaced by a newer version- but still this is a great camera from all the reviews I have read.

I didn't want an SLR because that is way too complex for what I will do with it. But I did want something a step up from a simple point and shoot. So this is the right model I think. It has a good rubber grip which is what I really wanted. So many of these silver flat cameras concern me because they appear to be to flat and slick- perfect for slipping out of my hand and breaking.

In the future, I will post more "home-made" photos here that are worthy of public consumption for the 3 people who read this blog.

12 April, 2007

Open Letter of Admiration to Don Imus

It was a blast while it lasted. You entertained me for the last 14 years beginning with my first job when living back in Portage. I used to laugh so hard on my way to work in the morning. The bantering between all the funny guys and Bernard McGuirk was just awesome. My favorite thing was Bernard doing the Cardinal O' Connor impressions. Actually in those stressful days teaching at Vicksburg schools, you were the best part of my day.

Notably, the hardest I ever laughed while listening to your show came back around 1999 while living in Detroit. I had to pull my car off the freeway on I-275 because I was laughing hysterically. It was an exchange between you and Bernard and you called him a "bald headed Nazi". I can't remember exactly what the conversation was about, but when you called him that - I just lost it. Those were such fun days.

The other "funniest" moment that I will never forget was when Charles McCord went byzerk when you couldn't stop talking about some Neville Chamberlain book. Charles, being the "straight man" always had a way to surprise me by jumping out of character to mock you. It was always clear by your response how much you love and respect that man. Your loyalty to Charles was obvious and admirable.

Your ideology has always been different than mine in your expressed politics, but that didn't matter because you were entertaining. You pulled no crap with anybody. I especially loved your cynicism against all pretentious people everywhere. Any thinking person had to agree with your intolerance of pretense- which I have always appreciated.

One of the highlights of living in Metro Detroit in the late 90's was going to see you at the Southfield Theater when you came and did a radio appearance with WXYT 1270 AM which later became an all sports station (much to my chagrin).

You inspired me to have a better appreciation of classic country music, which I had not been exposed to previously. I also enjoyed the deep insights of guests you had on often like the God Squad and all the smart historians.

You also coined several phrases which I have used on occasion, all to your credit, such as: "this can't suck enough" and the words "hideous" and "weasle"- usually when referring to obnoxious politicians or bad musicians.

You have always had me as a fan CONTINUE to.

Your recent comments did not offend me in the slightest. It was a normal "rap" between you and Bernard which made the show so entertaining. Sure, when one parses every word slowly and disconnects it from context it may sound crude- but I knew it was just jive and has NOTHING to do with the way you really are on the race issue. It was cutting edge comedy - nowhere NEAR the racism and banter heard on the Chappelle Show.

All these pantie-wearing media types mainly Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and all the other irrelevant wannabees are just out to get you for their own gain. It is wrong and I won't buy their crap. Harold Ford, Jr. is a backstabbing weasle and I hope you call him out.

What this all boils down to is just a few things.
  1. Our feminized culture does NOT have a sense of humor
  2. There are too many people out there just waiting to be offended

The only distressing thing I am observing now is watching you melt like a salted leech.

Fight the politically correct Gestapo.

Buck up and maybe you will be back on the air in some form soon.


10 April, 2007



Don Imus, the king of sarcasm and syndicated radio genius is a funny man saying funny things which makes for great radio.

But I hope he's not caving, withering up like a salted leech.

People say he crossed the line with his “nappy headed hoes” comment referring the Rutgers Women’s basketball team. It was a funny comment in context. It was no different than what is done in comedy shows all across the country. Bernard McGuirk, Imus and his radio team are hilarious. That is why I listed to him – to laugh.

Don Imus makes fun of EVERYBODY especially the media that dominates the airwaves including Carville, Rush, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, his staff, himself, John Kerry, everyone else who becomes a media darling – especially the arrogant, pretentious drive-by-media.

So he offended some people.


We need more offended people in this world. He doesn't offend enough in my opinion. I think people get offended WAY too easily. I love to be made fun of in jest! This is because I do not take myself that seriously. Does that make me psychologically unhealthy? Maybe it's a view of my inadequacy before the Creator.

My real fear in all this is that Imus is going to cave and turn his show into a feminized lethargy of news and commentary with no zing. He is being chased into a corner by a bunch of politically correct thought police.

Right now I’m listening to Matt Lauer interview Imus berating him as “insensitive”.
Matt Lauer is a condescending pantie wearing feminized liberal wimp. He personifies the ca strati of NBC and all other networks for that matter.

The gargantuan hypocrisy of Al Sharpton pointing his finger at Don Imus is maddening. Here is Al Sharpton calling for Don Imus's resignation from radio. What about all the black rappers that degrade women in their music? Where is Al Sharpton calling on the record companies firing their black pimp rappers who make millions of dollars in the glorification of gang bangers and hoe makers? Huh? WHERE IS HE? Where is the public outrage and call for mass boycotts?

What about the Dave Chappelle Show and all the edginess that flows out of that black comedian’s mouth? By the way- I think Dave Chappelle is very funny.


Al Sharpton was not even man enough to go on the Imus in the Morning radio show to discuss this. Imus, instead went to Al Sharpton’s show and sat there for two hours getting raked over the coals by that fat bloated nappy headed hypocrite.

Hey Sharpton- I'm calling for your resignation from all public organizations that you run because of your Tawana Brawley scam. Everyone knows that Imus is not a racist! He is just funny and pulls no punches including his own family and staff. He is funny- period! That is the kind of humor that I love- unpretentious, honest and biting.

Don't back down I-Man! Don’t roll up. Don’t cave.

Ditch the ca strati at NBC and head to satellite radio. I, for one, will be a new subscriber.