31 December, 2006

Cauterize the Madness- Happy New Year 2007

More than ever before this holiday break was stressful and absurd with family infighting and bickering.

It is very good to be home. God bless the families that live by the good Book and think of others more than themselves. It is a rare quality indeed and one that we are blessed to observe here in our home town more than other places.

The specifics are many – the problem is singular:


I have heard it said and do believe it is true that Greatest Generation gave up everything for their survival through the Great Depression and World War II. My grandparents (on both sides) came home from the war and built the greatest democracy in the world --all with a selfless spirit and focus on duty.
What came next was the Baby Boom which brought us the 60’s and the WIIFM generation (“What’s In It For Me”?) They had it so good from the sacrifice made by their parents that they got lazy and started expecting everything and expecting it now. Credit cards, lawyers, yoga, tofu and ADHD are what we have as a legacy.

It has run amuck.

The fruit of the selfishness is greed and the pursuit of money. Not that these things didn’t exist before, but I’m not sure it was as prevalent before. Now it seeks to separate families!

It shouldn’t have to be this way.

It won’t be this way.

God willing.

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