04 December, 2006

Reagan Lives Again

We know only too well that war comes not when the forces of freedom are strong; it is when they are weak that tyrants are tempted. We simply cannot learn these lessons the hard way again without risking our destruction.

Ronald Reagan
RNC Convention in Detroit
July 1980

For some unknown reason, I decided to find Ronald Reagan audio clips online. I found a site that lists his most famous speeches beginning in 1964 when he campaigned for Barry Goldwater. I cannot begin to communicate how refreshing it is to hear the greatest president in my lifetime state (with clarity) the principles I embrace.

I actually listened to four or five entire speeches in mp3 format including is farewell in the Oval Office. They have been refreshing, inspiring and (dare I say), emotional.

In this present time there is NO conservative leadership, NO conservative ideal being modeled in Washington and certainly with NO conservative agenda from George W. Bush. Reagan has rescued me.

I came into my political awareness during the Reagan presidency but have always relied more on adulating fans of Reagan than my own first hand experience. It was time for me to go back, look and listen for myself.

With internet marvels such as Google image clips, audio clips and YouTube – Reagan’s leadership and charisma can be experienced once again. I think it’s what many conservatives need – it certainly is what I needed.

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