28 August, 2004

Fairness vs. Correctness

Ann Coulter wrote eloquently on a matter that has been on my mind for a while now. Bill O’Reilly’s desire to be fair but not principled. He desperately wants to be viewed as independent- even if he has to sacrifice being right.

That’s where he gets in trouble.

The swift boat vets have a right to speak openly about their views of John Kerry. There is no “in-between”. Since our 1st Amendment to the Constitution protects speech, they may speak freely.

Bill boy O’Reilly doesn’t want to join the “partisan right” and risk being labeled a conservative, so once again in the name of “fairness” he wants to come down somewhere in the middle. Somewhere between free speech and no free speech.

And, unfortunately for Bill, instead of appearing to be fair, he now appears to be an invertebrate.

The swift boat vets have a right to speak freely – and with that – there is no in between.

It’s OK to be right, Bill. It may dent your ego but, trust me, people will respect you for it.

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