20 January, 2007

The Marketing Morph of the Weather Channel

Trivia Question:

What did Dr. Heidi Cullen of The Weather Channel get her Bachelor Degree is?

A. Meteorology
B. Broadcasting
C. Weather Forecasting
D. Near Eastern Religion


Near Eastern Religion

She is a New Age liberal and ideological leftist posing as “Doctor” Heidi Cullen, Climatologist at The Weather Channel.

Why do you think The Weather Channel has made this ideological turn toward the left?

Wonya Y. LucasAnswer: Wonya Y. Lucas, Executive Vice President of the Weather Channel

Here is an excerpt from World Net Daily about Wonya Lucas:

Lucas admitted in a recent interview with Media Village that the reprogramming of The Weather Channel was influenced by her tenure at CNN when that network shifted from presenting straight news to personality-driven programming.

Lucas decided that what was good for CNN was good for The Weather Channel, and the objectivity and respectability of the network has now been thrown out the window. It doesn't matter that CNN's turn to the left has caused their ratings to plummet; The Weather Channel's embraced its model.

Check out this short and AWESOME article about this at World Net Daily. Link opens new window.
So now you know. The Weather Channel has become the “CNN” of the weather broadcasting. Which begs the question- who will be number one?

Accuweather anyone?

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