20 January, 2007

The Marketing Morph of the Weather Channel

Trivia Question:

What did Dr. Heidi Cullen of The Weather Channel get her Bachelor Degree is?

A. Meteorology
B. Broadcasting
C. Weather Forecasting
D. Near Eastern Religion


Near Eastern Religion

She is a New Age liberal and ideological leftist posing as “Doctor” Heidi Cullen, Climatologist at The Weather Channel.

Why do you think The Weather Channel has made this ideological turn toward the left?

Wonya Y. LucasAnswer: Wonya Y. Lucas, Executive Vice President of the Weather Channel

Here is an excerpt from World Net Daily about Wonya Lucas:

Lucas admitted in a recent interview with Media Village that the reprogramming of The Weather Channel was influenced by her tenure at CNN when that network shifted from presenting straight news to personality-driven programming.

Lucas decided that what was good for CNN was good for The Weather Channel, and the objectivity and respectability of the network has now been thrown out the window. It doesn't matter that CNN's turn to the left has caused their ratings to plummet; The Weather Channel's embraced its model.

Check out this short and AWESOME article about this at World Net Daily. Link opens new window.
So now you know. The Weather Channel has become the “CNN” of the weather broadcasting. Which begs the question- who will be number one?

Accuweather anyone?

17 January, 2007

Global Warming Nazi's Of the World -- UNITE!

The weather Nazi’s are at it again. Now they are suggesting that meteorologists who reject manmade global warming should have their licenses revoked. This is the latest from none other than THE WEATHER CHANNEL! Yes, the most innocent and neutral of all cable channels has now dropped trow for Al Gore and the Hollywood left.

Here is the exact quote from self-labeled Weather Channel “Climate Expert”, Dr. Heidi Cullen,

If a meteorologist can't speak to the fundamental science of climate change, then maybe the AMS shouldn't give them a Seal of Approval.

Heidi Cullen goes on to say:

Clearly, the AMS doesn't agree that global warming can be blamed on cyclical weather patterns. It's like allowing a meteorologist to go on-air and say that hurricanes rotate clockwise and tsunamis are caused by the weather.

Umm, Heidi- you IDIOT-- as the resident ‘climate expert’ at TWS, you should know that hurricanes in the Southern Hemisphere DO rotate clockwise.

And I’m just a candy salesman!

Junk science continues to steamroll through the media. No longer can there be any debate. It time for the Nuremberg Trials to begin. Shoot all dissenters on sight. Rid the world of these common sense heretics!

What is truly amazing is that no longer is it just a theory with these Nazi’s.

Now it’s “believe us or die.”

11 January, 2007

My Cousin Rosie

(Never react . Let time pass before responding. Think cautiously. OK- it’s been three weeks and I’ve calmed down. So here is the Christian version.)

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to call a spade a spade. My cousin who shall remain unnamed--has become Rosie O’Donnell. A bloated moron, with a selfish meaningless life. Mired in anger and bitterness in her own unhappiness she decided to open her mouth and insert her foot.

She decided (unprovoked) to impart her snide, arrogant and condescending and totally inappropriate remarks about my parents –to my parents- right during Christmas party at grandma’s house. Not only was it an act of basic social stupidity, it reflected a very ugly picture.

If that is all it was – it would be a sad story. But it is a story of a lady who has been told her whole life how infallible and smart she is. Lifted to the highest stature of academic success, she traded any decency, virtue and grace to get there. Now – perched in elite academia, she is obviously, well-- miserable.

And that’s not all. Rosie's bad behavior is cottled by a mother who believes "she has the right to speak her mind” (as she said to my brother). To which it is then clear why the dysfunction exists in the first place. Like mother- like daughter – miserable, unhappy and angry.

Very unpleasant people.

Unable to find a boyfriend that could ever live up to her fantastic erudite expectations, she has been relegated to a life of sarcasm, condescension and arrogance. Her mucky personality is likely a result of seclusion from the company of good people. She has become like the people closest to her.

Let me say for the record, Rosie, I would NEVER trade my parents for yours. My parents are the inspiration behind two successful and happy sons and a daughter, not to mention their great families.

So when it comes right down to it, Rosie --the academically gifted purveyor of all things chemical- is really just a blithering mean and socially dyslexic punk.