25 June, 2004

Torture Away

A million people are about to die. It will take approximately 3 hours for the toxins to do their job, but there is no stopping it. Once the odorless and invisible gas makes its way through the office buildings, schools and homes all will be doomed.

But there is a man who knows it is about to happen. He was privy to the plot from its inception. He is being held at a United States prison camp where he has been detained.

He chuckles silently and he knows bin Laden will heap praise on him and the other perpetrators. The virgins are waiting.

Only if he can fool these American soldiers long enough the deed will be done.

What should the soldiers to the man? Beg for information? “Please – please Abdul Raqmann, pretty please with sugar on it – please tell us where the gas will be released and when.”



Sound fictional? What if it’s not? Who do you think the Abu Ghraib prisoners were? They weren’t Boy Scout leaders folks! They had been killing Americans and peace loving Iraqis.

Blind folded? Lying naked on other naked people? Having dogs bark at them? Electrodes on the genitals? This is bad? Nope. Humiliating? – ok, maybe. An abridgment of justice- no way.

I may be the only person in America NOT apologizing for the Abu Ghraib scandal. I think the U.S soldiers were TOO civil. The media has a way of shaping peoples opinions, but I refuse to be shaped.

You can’t deal with terrorists via the legal system – to which they don’t subscribe. They are people without laws, without conscience, without goodness. The nature of evil is unknowable to most Americans. But it must be dealt with nevertheless. The rules of warfare are kill or be killed. These terrorist prisoners gave up whatever rights they possessed when they became terrorists. Electrodes on the genitals should be a blessing compared to what they deserve.

Here is one method I might use. Fill a large vat 12 inches deep with fire ants. Place the detainee into the vat naked. Make him sit there for two hours and teach him to sing “Onward Christian Soldiers” as loud as possible while the ants nibble.

OK – I can’t go on. But my point is that we should do WHATEVER IS NECESSARY to prevent attacks on Americans.

Abu Ghraib is a sight that we don’t want to behold. Because we really don’t know evil – we are just not familiar with evil as it exists in the Middle East. We are unfamiliar with war. And these pictures are repulsive to us because we are so sterilized and naïve as pop culture Americans.

It’s time to stop being “outraged” at Abu Graib and start being “outraged” at the terrorists.

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