19 June, 2004

Letter to Senators Levin and Stabenow- Beheading of Paul Johnson

In response to the Paul Johnson beheading in Saudi Arabia I found the words of President Bush to be rehearsed and empty. They seemed too diplomatic and canned. We all assume that a red-blooded American would be "outraged" at this "act of barbarism". Duh?

It's time to unite. As Americans we need to put aside our political differences and become one in fighting this insane enemy. It is no longer about what differences we Americans have about the war in Iraq – we are being assaulted for the very fact that WE ARE Americans.

So I urge you to persuade the leaders that have the power to respond to these attacks on American civilians --with brute and unrelenting force. Innocents will die as in all wars, but all solutions must be considered in dealing with these Al Qaida terrorists.

My anger has been steeped by these images of Nicholas Berg and now Paul Johnson. Apply all diplomatic force on the Saudi government – yes, but don’t then assume that it will cure the problem.

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