29 July, 2009

You Can

You can speak the private language of my soul

You can hear the whispers of my heart

You can navigate the deepest darkest holes of my inner parts.

You can take the selfish things we pray to You

Somehow its Your tender heart be stirred

You can hear the things our songs would say to You

If we could find the words.

You are the finest thing that I could live for

And I pray You are the thing for which I die

Your heart to know so easy to approach and after all

What else is there to life?

Cuz You can ride the clouds or ride a donkey’s colt

You can walk on waves or walk on sod

Balancing the great irreconcilable- fully man and fully God.

You can squeeze a rich man through a needles eye

But squeezing is a painful thing for sure

And we rich folks don’t like pain so maybe that’s why You say “Blessed are the poor”

Cuz You can spin the earth and hold the sun in place

And You nudge every autumn leaf to fall

And You can swim in every tear on every face for You created all

Oh You created all

You are the finest thing that I could live for

And I pray You are the thing for which I die

Your heart to know so easy to approach and after all

What else is there to life?

by Ross King

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