16 December, 2008

Global Warming - Round 2

Kellen brought home a permission slip for him to watch "The Day After Tomorrow" in his 8th grade science class. As per usual I reacted with the following letter:

Hi Mrs. Hansen-

It would be easier to consent to letting Kellen watch "The Day After Tomorrow" if you would give equal time to other movies showing the fallacy of the theory of man made global warming such as:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Showing any movie in public school that advocates a religious viewpoint such as Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" (or this one) based totally on blind faith (on not on science) is fine as long as you can show other views as well.

I realize you are planning on discussing the faults of the movie, too, but as any good propaganda- the sound, lighting and effects of this movie can influence young kids. Just the fact that you are showing the movie in science class suggests that you think it has some scientific merit.

In this case, although the "The Day After Tomorrow" is fun to watch with the special effects, etc. it is just entertaining science fiction. As long as kids know that going in- then fine. Clearly, this movie is promoting a single issue that is a current hot button in our country. Since this is science class, I assume you are not showing this movie for its entertainment value but rather to teach science.

As you can tell, this is a hot button issue with me. I have many close friends that work for the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), some of which are lead scientists and all (100%) of them completely discredit the theory of man-made causation of climate change.

This being said- it's OK for Kellen to watch this movie because he has done enough research on his own to realize the total scam that this all is. Can he bring popcorn? OK- I feel better.

Feel free to call or email if you would like to chat.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Marcus,

You could always recommend showing this film as a counter to the Global Warming Propoganda:


Great job by Ben Stein, et al.