28 November, 2008

Thought For the Day: Social Justice

If Jesus was concerned with social justice why didn't he make ALL the lame to walk and make ALL the blind to see again? Certainly He had the ability.

Is social justice God's goal for humanity or is it our pursuit of self fulfillment? I wonder if modern liberals' pursuit of social justice is their own pursuit of righteousness (what the Bible refers to as "filthy rags").

Clearly, Jesus made some blind to see and made some lame to walk, but he evidently didn't see that in a universal mandate of his followers.

So what does that mean for today? I'm not sure- but I do get suspicious when the liberal left hijacks a phrase and uses it to promote government as the preeminent authority. What I find especially disheartening is then when the church decides to use the exact same phrase, then re-define it - in an attempt to sound progressive. The term "social justice" is a case in point.

In the past the churches referred to it as "ministry" or "loving your neighbor" or "being Christlike". Apparently, those terms aren't good enough anymore- we need something more progressive -- more "relevant".

I guess I have two targets here: the meaning and scope of "social justice" and the terminology. Clearly, we as Christians are to have heart for the hurting and oppressed within our sphere. The Gospels make that clear. In other words it is a personal responsibility.

Universal justice is simply not an attainable goal in this world. As when I was kid and was told that their is no such thing as fairness. I suppose there is fairness within individual situations like tit for tat. But if the convict gets executed for murder, that's not fair either. After all --the murderer get to leave the pleasure of living behind while the loved ones of the murdered continue in agony. How is that just?

Social justice is almost an oxymoron. If not that, then virtually a pointless enterprise. Only the judgment seat of Christ will bring social justice when everyone has answered for their actions. Until then, we live in a fallen world full of injustice. We may be able to put band-aids on some scattered injustices throughout our world, but for the most part it is never ending and futile pursuit.

That being said, the Bible is unclear as to what role if any governments are to take in social justice. Are we to construct theology based on the Bible's silence?

No answers here- just more questions.

As for the syntax- if our words and phrases need to be redefined into relevancy in this modern age, then am I "pro-choice". Clearly, God intends us to CHOOSE to accept His grace. Right? So I guess the new relevant evangelical catch phrase should be that we are "pro choice".

My point is that I'm tired of the political left hijacking the language, then the church tries to take it back to sound relevant - like a bunch of wannabees.

So let's just call it "justice" -OK? Not "social justice" (vague and pointless).

Oh wait- we already pursue justice. It's called the "justice system".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just a few thoughts regarding justice. As you said life is not fair! But God allows the rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike. Bad moms have babies while good women don't. Good men suffer for doing what is right while bad men prosper by cheating and taking advantage of others. The chuch often imitates the world instead of influencing the world. Social Justice if it exsists starts with Christians loving God with all their heart soul and mind and loving others to the point it hurts or costs them something as Christ demonstrated to us on the cross. Pro-choice? Pro-grace?