21 July, 2008

Goodbye to Daisy

I wasn't prepared for this at all.

We decided not to bring our dog, Daisy, to Indianapolis. Really, I hadn't put much thought into it until tonight. After consulting with some friends, I decided that the best course of action was to let the kids say goodbye to Daisy. Originally, I thought that the best idea was just to take her to the shelter thereby easing the pain.

So anyway, Brianna just came in crying from the garage. She heard from Kellen that they had to all say goodbyes. Tomorrow I'm taking her in.

Then I realized that Benji was missing. I knew where he was- out with Daisy, too. I thought I could be the man and not break down. But when I saw Benji turn away from me as he knelt by the dog- I knew - and I couldn't contain it. He is not a crier- and was ashamed that I might see his tears. I hugged and wept with him right there.

This is the single biggest loss our kids have ever experienced. Most of their formative years have been with Daisy. It is like a death.

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