03 December, 2007


To Doris Kearns Goodwin:

It is sad when such a brilliant historian can be so frightfully ignorant of the effects of her comments on a large portion of this country.  I am speaking of the beliefs of many Americans regarding creation vs. evolution, mine included.

Your comment about Gov. Huckabee, [bothersome rejection of evolution] on the Imus show this morning was as offensive as the "nappy headed hoes" comment made by Don eight months ago.

The difference is that with Don's comment - there was a political apparatus to repudiate him.  With your comment- there will be no movement against you, evidence that your bigotry against Christians is perfectly acceptable in this country.

I don't wish to change your thinking in regards to the unprovable "theory" of evolution (repudiated by Darwin himself), but would ask you to question your comments in light of your pretense of being objective.

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