So Are We Going To Fight, Or What?
Maybe an analogy of America being the righteous nation naming its enemies would be that of the Israelites of the Old Testament. Israel was the nation led by God for His purpose against the wiles of evil nations.
After all we are a nation that stands for universal righteousness in the area of freedom and justice. We also believe that those things are universally true, “axioms” if you will. For us, tyranny, despotism and fascism are immoral, intolerable scourges as we see them in Iran, Syria and North Korea. But while the drumbeat of war against Iran gets louder, it does so with the pseudo apologies and nauseous explanations of the president.
When I turn to cable news or read the latest RSS feed on world headlines, I can’t read about the latest threat of Iran without the parenthetical “Islam is a peaceful religion” overtones. Even our own Secretary of State and President are looking over their shoulders for the thought police.
When will Americans get a backbone and unapologetically proclaim “freedom and justice FOR ALL?”
Islam is in a tough spot. Either it IS a religion of suicidal maniacs or it IS a religion hijacked by suicidal maniacs. Where are the peaceful Muslims? Where is their outcry? Where are their armies? Where are the peaceful Islamic governments?
The truth: they are not there. Islam is a false religion started by a false prophet. It is only tradition that keeps it living. Resentment against progress and industry is the result of a religion hell bent on keeping things the same as they have been for 2,500 years.
Back to my point- why can’t American officials act out of conviction instead political correctness? Why can’t George Bush just state the obvious?—
Declare war on Iran, destroy the country, convert them all the Buddhists, then send in the Christian missionaries.
Sounds like a plan to me.
20 January, 2006
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You are so mean. It's bad enough those poor people in Iran have to live with the name "Muluah", but then to have you pick on them like that.
My dear fellow. I will kindly inform you that you are an idiot. If anyone spreds violence and hatred it is the christian right and the American government. I think the governments of Iran and Syria are odious to islam But that doessnt make Islam the problem. There are fundamentallist Muslims just as there are Fundamentalist christians and Jews. Kindly keep your missbegotten war mongering to yourself.
Ok "Mr X." You brave soul, you. I will not rely solely on your English writing skills to show me that you are an idiot. I see that you are from the peaceful country of Hitler. I'll bet you are a real expert on being a fundamentalist, eh? Sieg Heil!
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