05 January, 2006

Northwest Airlines: A Comedy of Errors

This post is an example of restraint. I could throw a tantrum here at the Northwest counter as I see others doing. But me? I have a blog.

We can put a man on the moon, experience wireless internet and make hydrogen powered cars, but can we can start an airplane, heck no.

OK let me make this as simple as possible. My flight out of Traverse City was supposed to leave at 8AM. We were all on the plane (SAAB turbo prop) but the engine wouldn’t roll over. So according to FAA guidelines they had one more attempt to use up before calling up maintenance. The second attempt didn’t work. So we deplaned.

Then after sitting at the gate for 40 minutes we were told the flight was cancelled and to go back to the front check-in counter and find out what to do.

While in line at the check-in counter I heard another announcement that a new power cable to fix the generator was being flown in and the plane should be ready to board by 11:15. Being that my connecting flight in Detroit is at 12:15 maybe I could still make the Dallas connection to be on time for my 5PM meeting.

Well right now it is 11:21 and I am looking out of these great big windows here in the waiting area and down below is a bunch of maintenance guys talking to each other, drinking coffee and laughing. The new cable is laying there on the luggage belt still spooled and untouched.

Yes, I believe the NWA maintenance folks are on strike, which brings up my thoughts on unions expressed in a previous post.

In the meantime another NWA flight to Detroit scheduled to depart at 10AM has left. We are still here. Does this make any sense? The folks with a later flight are already gone and we are still sitting here. Why didn’t NWA put us on that flight and make the other folks wait so we could spread the misery a little more equally?

With the hassles this morning I could be bought off with a free ticket or something, but NWA will do no such thing. “Because their policy dictates bla bla bla”.

I used to have a modicum of respect for NWA but at this point, after years of hearing horror stories and now experiencing one, I am switching.

I plan to buy one more NWA ticket after this to get up to my 25,000 miles so that I can earn a free ticket.

Then I’m gone.


Update: I arrived in Dallas at 8PM. Seven hours late.


Me! said...

NWA...Isn't that a late 80's/early 90's rap group?

OK...So you made it to Dallas at 8pm...for your 5 o'clock meeting.

NWA Did NOT deliever as promised...and production, therefore, suffered. In any other business, you would be entitled to a full and complete refund of your money, and NWA should make restitution to you and your company for negatively affecting your commerce. Plain and simple.

(As nasily as you can muster) Oh, but our policy, nah, nah, nah...SHUT UP!!!! You screwed up, you loose! Pay up NWA! Nope...we don't live in a free market anymore...if we did, half of American Businesses would be OUT of business (Starting with the Big 3, followed by all the airlines, etc. etc.)

Hope you return safely. I enjoyed a CAO yesterday...1st in 6 weeks! I got an Upmann with your name on it!

That mean old Neocon,

Anonymous said...

Hi Son....You should do as your mama does and fly American....the friendly skies. My friend's hubby flew to Fort Worth same day as you.I don't know which airline he used this time, but he has had baaaaad luck with NWA in the past. Have a safe and uneventful trip back home.
Love ya,