07 February, 2005

Evolution Hallelujah!

Evolution is a massive religion. A religion preached in textbooks, atlases, kids books and classrooms.

The theory of evolution is unproven and unprovable. The theory it self has become scientific fact for generations of zombies unwilling to question anything coming from state run schools. These are the same people who would believe in the authenticity Rathergate memo and the danger of Ford gas tank explosions. These are the same people who believe that we will all die as a result of global warming. And that 2nd hand smoke is the biggest threat to health in the universe.

No lie is big enough to reject for these closed-minded believers.

I am not a scientist, theologian or historian but I do possess a modicum of common sense (thanks to my parents). But last time I checked, evolution is simply not provable - therefore not scientific.

So then WHY does my new 2004 Illustrated Atlas refer to evolution, the "Big Bang", pangea and "billion and billion of years" as ALL FACT?

Anyone who is willing to put a a fleeting thought into the Big Bang would ask- What existed before the Big Bang? What elements caused the Big Bang to occur?

STOP - no changing the subject, no distractions, no calling me a religious fanatic, no dodging the question.

Hmmmmmmm? I hear crickets!

There- you see. There had to be a CREATOR. There are no other options! That's it. Case closed. Gavel dropped!

All you leftist hippies and secular humanists have lost the argument. The plain and simple truth is that you reject Intelligent Design because you reject that there just may be someone else out there that is smarter that you.

Yes, for there to be Intelligent Design there must be a DESIGNER. Now for me it happens to be God. But for you it may be Howdie Doody or David Koresh. Who knows it could even be Bill Clinton if that's what you want.

So I long for the day when all this evolution garbage is destroyed once and for all. When common sense can get a majority vote in this country.

But it won't happen until public education decides to embrace logic, science and truth and present all theories as faith and only faith.

1 comment:

Me! said...

Dearest Dir,

I've noticed your humble "Blog" has been neglected for nie 3 months now.

Your minions are wonton...in desperate need of the intellectual fodder that so eloquently flows from your keyboard.

I beseach thee, please do not withhold your jewels of fine counsel from I, your loyal reader...who is floundering, so lost in this world, without your cerebral insight.

In Sincere Need,

P.S. What a load of crap, eh?!?!