21 August, 2004

Swift Boat Vets Are Angry for a Reason

Today I went to c-span.org to watch the 1971 Dick Cavett debate between John Kerry and John O'Neill regarding Kerry's accusations that America was committing "war crimes" in Vietnam.

All I need to say - is that if you want to see media bias at it's worst - watch it.

The audience sounds like it was screened in favor of John Kerry. The condescension of John Kerry towards John O'Neill in the debate was frustrating enough for Mr. O'Neill to commit a lifetime of effort to discrediting Kerry. I would have, too.

I believe the swift vets. They are completely credible and their charges are backed up by facts. They have not changed their story (ala Kerry) and have many men agree on details of John Kerry's dishonorable service.

I have concluded that Kerry was and is an opportunist and who was planning his political future during his entire 4 months in Vietnam.

The accusations of the swiftboat vets is devastating. If this doesn't cause pause amongst those who would vote for Kerry, I would be dissappointed.

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