11 November, 2004
Yasser Arafat -- Father of Terrorism
He was not a good or decent man.
04 November, 2004
2004 Election Scorecard
1. Michael Moore
2. George Soros
3. Air America
4. Al Franken
5. Al Gore
6. The New York Times
7. CBS
8. NBS
9. ABS
11. The Dixie Chicks
12. Linda Ronstadt
13. Eminem
14. P Diddly Dipcrap “for brains”
15. Michael Moore
16. Elton John
17. Jacques Chirac
18. Jean Chrétien
19. Michael Moore
20. Theresa “Shove It” Heinz Kerry
21. John “Flip Flop” Kerry
22. The “Breck Girl”
23. Joe Lockhart
24. Paul “The Forehead” Begala
25. Michael Moore
26. Evan Thomas
27. The Los Angeles Times
28. Massachusetts
29. Rhode Island
30. Every American with a Kerry-Edwards sign in their yard
31. Michael Moore
32. Baby Murderer advocates everywhere
33. Osama bin Laden
34. Michael Moore
35. Saddam Hussein
36. Bruce Spreengsteen
37. Michael Moore
38. Ben Awfulfleck
39. Michael Moore
1. United States of America
02 November, 2004
01 November, 2004
31 October, 2004
Yes- A single Issue CAN tell me how Jesus would vote.
In an effort to sound fair, to provide a "devil's advocate" position - this unnamed editorialist say's that we should not be single-issue" voters.
Any candidate who believes in the MURDER OF UNBORN HUMAN BEINGS, is evil, morally bankrupt and not capable of ethical leadership.
28 October, 2004
The Obsolescence of Big Media
It is 7:25 AM on Thursday, October 28, 2004. I logged on to Drudge first thing this morning and saw the large headline:
"Russia tied to Iraq´s missing arms; Pentagon: Weaponry relocated before war "
Then for giggles went to msnbc.com, cbsnews.com and abcnews.com to see what they had on this shocking proof exonerating President Bush on this "missing weaons cache" story - or the "October Surprise".
THERE WAS NOTHING! NOTHING - for all things holy!
Democrats cannot win legitimately! They have NO ideas, NO plan, NO vision, NO optimism and John Kerry is their front man.
Kerry has been shooting off his mouth the last few days about how Bush lost the weapons. This is an direct lie. And Kerry knows it. And now the proof is in - and the egg will today be on Kerry's face!
Kerry hates America, he hates winning a war against terrorism. He hates decent people. He hates, hates, hates. And his ONLY chance of getting a plurality in any poll - and better yet - THE VOTE is by lying and slander.
If you vote Democrat in this election - you are UN-American.
22 October, 2004
OK- Kerry is right, I'm an Idiot!
But I just saw him hunting geese on TV so – I was wrong. He is a big time gun rights guy.
I thought Kerry was pro-choice because he voted five times AGAINST the partial birth abortion ban.
But he said he was a devout Catholic and was an alter boy. And although he personally doesn’t like abortion, he can’t “force” his beliefs into public policy.
Man – I really bought all that right wing crap about Kerry being a flip flopper! But this morning I saw the light. Bush is a liar – A LIAR!!
There IS no terrorist threat! Iraq was a mistake!
BUSH LIED! He misled us! I hate him! Hate him! Yeah!! HATE!
Bush STOLE the election in 2000! He is responsible for global warming, stock market declines, terrorism, gas prices and my hemmoroids.
I was an idiot. I AM AN IDIOT!
I can’t bear my shame. (weeping) I HATE BUSH.
11 October, 2004
13 September, 2004
Thank God for Algore!
You aren't full hate, are you, Al? Resentment? Anger?
You aren't resentful that W. beat you in 2000 are you, Alley boy?
Naw, poor little Alley boy, tsa, tsa, tsa. A little jealous are we? That the country thanks God that W. is in office. That on 9-11 Juliani turned to Bernie Kerik and said "Thank God that George Bush is in the White House".
But keep it up, Al! You are entertaining me. You are a kook and an example to me and my kids on why they will NEVER VOTE DEMOCRAT.
29 August, 2004
I'm Usually Right
I’m usually right
Maybe I need to sit on a thought for two or three days, but usually at the end – I am right.
If I am to be wrong, then I’m deliberately wrong. Like when I eat a Kit Kat before watching a movie at 7PM. Then I’m wrong in eating the Kit Kat – but I’m right in knowing that I’m wrong.
When I listen to pompous people, I know they are pompous. I’m right.
When I listen to ignorant people, I know they are ignorant. I’m right.
When I listen to Bill O’Reilly be “fair” at the expense of being correct. I’m right.
Regarding politics I am right. Very “correct” that is. (Which happens to be “not left” but right). I listen to NARAL protesters, Planned Parenthood, gay marriage advocates, anti-war demonstrators and know that they are all wrong. And I’m right.
It is universal truth that they are wrong. Not just in my “own world view” context. But right about the fact that their views are universally God ordained as being wrong.
I’m very comfortable in knowing I’m right. No conflict whatsoever. I sleep well and wake up refreshed. And brew a fresh pot of coffee. I know that brewed coffee will make me happier than instant coffee. I’ve tried instant – and I am right.
Cremora sucks. Have you tried Cremora in instant coffee? Use half & half instead, and use it in brewed coffee. It’s a day and night difference? Yes it is. I am right.
When I talk to God and feel distant --because of my sins, I’m usually right about that. But I know that God is probably listening to me anyway because of His grace.
Now wait. There was the time that I was deceived for a couple of months by this guy I thought was my friend. But he lied to me about little things – like: he was a former country music singer, ran a drug deal to Florida and got busted, knows a guy who works for the government who knows how to alter DirecTV cards so you can get all the channels. I was wrong about him. I just tried to be friendly to him and bought all his garbage casually.
OK – chalk one up on the “wrong” side.
But on most other things I’m right. Here is a list of things that I know for a fact:
- God is real and is annoyed by liberals
- "Chick flicks" are ok with a mind altering drug
- Abortion is the worst crime against humanity. Worse than the Nazi death camps, Saddam’s crimes against the Kurds and the Boxer Rebellion.
- Vegetarians think they are better than other people
- Pompous 2nd generation rich people are very annoying. Strike that. All pompous people are annoying.
- Artists don’t rely on their intellect for success.
- God created the universe. And God created me.
- The only thing that evolved from monkeys are liberals.
- Anyone willing to call themselves a Democrat, is associating with a Party that endorses abortion and is therefore unethical.
- Ugly people can live a fulfilling life if they are nice
28 August, 2004
Fairness vs. Correctness
That’s where he gets in trouble.
The swift boat vets have a right to speak openly about their views of John Kerry. There is no “in-between”. Since our 1st Amendment to the Constitution protects speech, they may speak freely.
Bill boy O’Reilly doesn’t want to join the “partisan right” and risk being labeled a conservative, so once again in the name of “fairness” he wants to come down somewhere in the middle. Somewhere between free speech and no free speech.
And, unfortunately for Bill, instead of appearing to be fair, he now appears to be an invertebrate.
The swift boat vets have a right to speak freely – and with that – there is no in between.
It’s OK to be right, Bill. It may dent your ego but, trust me, people will respect you for it.
24 August, 2004
2nd Generation Rich People
Ok - time to get this off my chest. A little American rebellion here.
There are few things in life that annoy me like pompous 2nd generation rich people. Pompous people in general annoy me, but 2nd generation pompous rich people take the cake.
I admit that 2nd generation rich people have to work harder at being normal than 1st generation rich folks – but when you combine lots of money with a person that inherited it, you usually end up with a pompous 2nd generation pompous rich person.
If I were publishing a newspaper I could get in trouble here- but since I’m pretty sure that no one reads this blog, let me name a few of these companies or enterprises with 2nd generation pompous rich people at the helm.
World’s Finest Chocolate
Frank Sinatra Jr.’s Orchestra
Al Gore
Kim Jong Il – aka. “The Pot Belly Pig” aka. "The Supreme Leader of starving his People"
I am right this minute listening to local radio station in Gaylord. Speaking now is a 2nd generation pompous rich person. And yes – I’m annoyed.
This particular 2nd generation pompous rich person is being heralded as a great cornerstone of our community who donates gobs of his deceased dad’s money. Whoopee! What noble act. Getting to spend his dad’s money.
He has inherited a utility company which shall go nameless. And these local utility stations charge a premium price for what it dispenses. At least $.10 more per gallon than any surrounding community, in fact. But I shall not divulge the type of utility to allow for proper anonymity. But will say that I have to pay $2.03 per gallon for the cheap stuff.
But he always claims to charge more because he is “giving back to the community”. How nice.
I am part of this community. Why isn’t he giving back to me?
But back to me general point. I have seen company after company get screwed up through 2nd generation wannabees.
On the other hand I greatly admire first generation business owners – they had to risk everything to build what they had. Second generation people have to sacrifice little if anything.
I admit, it is very hard for me to respect a 2nd generation rich person, but it can be done. There are several other people in this community that are 2nd generation and rich – but they handle themselves with modesty and dignity.
Actually, one of those dignified individuals is the brother of the pompous one I referred to before. Although he has all the toys and perks of being rich without working for it, he is humble and has what I believe to be a pure heart. He puts other people above himself and is a great man. Here are more that have done so nobly:
Natalie Cole
George W. Bush (he may be rich but he’s not arrogant)
Franklin Graham
Ryan Dobson
So lest I condemn all 2nd generation rich people to soon let me be the first to say I can be open minded here.
So if you are a 2nd generation rich person, please don’t be pompous because you didn’t earn a penny of what you have. Just be humble, quiet and smile a lot. And if you are terribly bored with all that money – I’ll take some.
21 August, 2004
Swift Boat Vets Are Angry for a Reason
Today I went to c-span.org to watch the 1971 Dick Cavett debate between John Kerry and John O'Neill regarding Kerry's accusations that America was committing "war crimes" in Vietnam.
All I need to say - is that if you want to see media bias at it's worst - watch it.
The audience sounds like it was screened in favor of John Kerry. The condescension of John Kerry towards John O'Neill in the debate was frustrating enough for Mr. O'Neill to commit a lifetime of effort to discrediting Kerry. I would have, too.
I believe the swift vets. They are completely credible and their charges are backed up by facts. They have not changed their story (ala Kerry) and have many men agree on details of John Kerry's dishonorable service.
I have concluded that Kerry was and is an opportunist and who was planning his political future during his entire 4 months in Vietnam.
The accusations of the swiftboat vets is devastating. If this doesn't cause pause amongst those who would vote for Kerry, I would be dissappointed.
16 August, 2004
President Bush in Traverse City
It was quite an experience seeing all the people (12,000 plus) that came out to catch a glimpse of him. The rally, which took place outside of the Civic Center, could barely contain all the people there. The crowds were very well behaved and the patriotism in the air was, well, moving.
Although the two-hour wait to see the President was worth it, once he started his stump speech I figured it was time to make my way home. After all, it sounded like the same speech he has given a million times before. We could hardly see him from our position because people in the VIP seats were standing and blocking our view. Besides we were tired and wanted to start the two-mile trek back to the car.
Which is when the fun started.
First, I saw Karl Rove, W’s chief strategist, no more that 20 feet from me. He was chatting with another cabinet member and I almost mustered up the courage to say “hi Mr. Rove” but chickened out. That was cool.
Then as Kellen and I made our way toward the gate, we noticed S.W.A.T. on top of buildings with guns and binoculars, surveying the perimeter. That was cool.
Then we got to the gate only to find that “because of security reasons” we were not allowed to leave until after W’s speech. That was not cool. But we got to look at liberal loony leftists protesting. This liberal loony guy outside the gate was taking pictures of us. He had a long hair and a beard, sandals and a tie-dye shirt. Some guy beside me yelled, “Hey look! Jesus is taking pictured of us!” That was funny.
Finally we escaped and had to walk through loony land to get back to the car. That was the most educational for Kellen. The lesson for him was “WHY NOT TO BE A LIBERAL”.
Holy cow. Talk about low-rent, maggot infested, dope smoking, good-time, rock-n-roll, degenerate, malcontent, pessimistic, pro-baby murdering, lesbo loving, sandal clad, dread lock matted, motley crew.
My simple talk to my nine-year old was the following:
Democrats and liberals are the same thing. They want to take away your money through a thing called taxes. They think if you talk nice to terrorists, they will go away. They believe that most Americans are stupid. And they believe in killing unborn babies.
Republicans and conservatives are the same thing. They want you to keep more of your own money. They believe that there are good guys and bad guys. And the bad guys should always be defeated. And they believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Kellen agreed. Job done.
04 August, 2004
Otsego County Prosecuting Attorney Election 2004
Kyle Legel 3,111 53%
Kevin Hesselink 2,100 36%
Mike Rola 624 11%
I’ve heard it done in other times and other places-- voting someone into office by voting out another. But this was my time and place. My opportunity to make the right vote at the right time, but still it wasn’t enough. I even went beyond my normal civic involvement and actually attended a public forum to hear out all three candidates for prosecuting attorney. And the decision was oh, so obvious. But it wasn’t enough.
While I sat at the Township hall and listened to their qualifications, track record and vision there was one candidate that clearly stood above the rest.
Of the three candidates, Legel was my choice to share a cigar on the golf course, but not for prosecutor. He was oh so green. But maybe that’s just me – I’m 35 and he’s 31. Maybe I’m just getting old. But his demeanor was oozing of inexperience a puppy dropped into the middle of a big lake. He was just trying to make it out without looking bad. It was slightly painful.
My only comment on Mike Rola is that upon listening too his snappy rhetorts, I have determined that I would rather be covered with angry African stinging bees getting a root canal with a spoon, then to watch this guy engaged.
But over six hundred successful prosecutions (and less than 5 unsuccessful ones) had no bearing on a successful verdict for Mr. Hesselink. It was determined on two, JUST TWO unpopular decisions and a funding issue which I do not completely understand. But that was enough for him to get railroaded by a motivated electorate who are propelled by their feelings instead of the law.
This is precisely why I have come to respect Kevin Hesselink so much. He can really unemotionally follow the law. What a concept! No emotional appeals, no slick Willy, no politics – just a darn good prosecutor.
What ever happened to changing the law, instead of changing a good prosecutor? If Otsego County is unhappy with the laws on the books (the ones Hesselink is enforcing) then CHANGE THE LAWS -- or the people making those laws. Upholding an oath is not always easy, especially in the public spotlight. But Kevin Hesselink has done so quite nobly.
Lord knows I have made my share of mistakes in my job, but I am fortunate enough to not be under a microscope or beg for my job every four years. Having observing Kevin Hesselink for the past three years, I have come to know that he is very thoughtful, smart and studied. Not a gregarious or talkative person by any stretch, but always polite and decent.
Kyle Legel is clearly a decent man and I hope that he is successful here. Let it be clear though that he was elected not on his own virtue and experience, but because people wanted Hesselink out. It was a negative vote for Kyle Legel.
I would have hated to be a bad guy facing Hesselink, but now Otsego county looks a little easier to mould. Deep down, I’m not optimistic on law and justice in this county for the next four years.
Maybe Kyle Legel can prove me wrong and I hope he does.
Mark Douglas
Gaylord, MI
20 July, 2004
Next to Ruin Career.......Linda Ronstadt
But these singers aren't paid to use their brains, so here they go again.
Linda Ronstadt has now stuck both her feet into her mouth. I actually liked her. Years ago I bought a 2-CD set of "Round Midnight" which are beautiful Nelson Riddle standards. Actually a very good performance. But from now on - I will never be able to listen to her voice without punching the CD player. I simply won't be able to listen.
For those of you not familiar - she recently went on a tirade against George W. Bush at a concert at the Aladdin Casino in Vegas. In an interview she actually said, "It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment. I'd rather not know."
Amongst other pap, she stated, "I've been dedicating a song to him [Michael Moore]– I think he's a great patriot – and it splits the audience down the middle, and they duke it out."
For more of her idiocy go to: http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20040715/news_lz1w15linda.html
Well Linda, you said you like to "split your audience down the middle". Well for me - I'm going to cut and run. As for you Linda - you are now in the "has-been" wasteland.
30 June, 2004
I don't like hummingbirds
But it is REALLY hard to shoot one with a .22.
25 June, 2004
Torture Away
But there is a man who knows it is about to happen. He was privy to the plot from its inception. He is being held at a United States prison camp where he has been detained.
He chuckles silently and he knows bin Laden will heap praise on him and the other perpetrators. The virgins are waiting.
Only if he can fool these American soldiers long enough the deed will be done.
What should the soldiers to the man? Beg for information? “Please – please Abdul Raqmann, pretty please with sugar on it – please tell us where the gas will be released and when.”
Sound fictional? What if it’s not? Who do you think the Abu Ghraib prisoners were? They weren’t Boy Scout leaders folks! They had been killing Americans and peace loving Iraqis.
Blind folded? Lying naked on other naked people? Having dogs bark at them? Electrodes on the genitals? This is bad? Nope. Humiliating? – ok, maybe. An abridgment of justice- no way.
I may be the only person in America NOT apologizing for the Abu Ghraib scandal. I think the U.S soldiers were TOO civil. The media has a way of shaping peoples opinions, but I refuse to be shaped.
You can’t deal with terrorists via the legal system – to which they don’t subscribe. They are people without laws, without conscience, without goodness. The nature of evil is unknowable to most Americans. But it must be dealt with nevertheless. The rules of warfare are kill or be killed. These terrorist prisoners gave up whatever rights they possessed when they became terrorists. Electrodes on the genitals should be a blessing compared to what they deserve.
Here is one method I might use. Fill a large vat 12 inches deep with fire ants. Place the detainee into the vat naked. Make him sit there for two hours and teach him to sing “Onward Christian Soldiers” as loud as possible while the ants nibble.
OK – I can’t go on. But my point is that we should do WHATEVER IS NECESSARY to prevent attacks on Americans.
Abu Ghraib is a sight that we don’t want to behold. Because we really don’t know evil – we are just not familiar with evil as it exists in the Middle East. We are unfamiliar with war. And these pictures are repulsive to us because we are so sterilized and naïve as pop culture Americans.
It’s time to stop being “outraged” at Abu Graib and start being “outraged” at the terrorists.
24 June, 2004
Bent out of shape and in a tizzy
Gassing in a small enclosed corner
Tied upside down and really dizzy.
Stirred and shaken like liver bacon
About to urp and really queasy
Thinking of a time on a wave
Hurling now would be quite easy
Meazly corn and beans and peas
Churning away to make me say
That I could barf now but maybe wait
For the next blessed moment for which I pray
To be let go from this awful torment
And thinking of the spice that tempted me
And the ribs who called my name
But now – hold on – let me flee
To the ceramic paradise of all things holy.
23 June, 2004
Unisom Dreams
To think of going back is a waste of time
To the demented decisions of a youthful man
Looking for his dog that ran away into the woods.
To come into the present and think of a way
Looking back to the future to avoid Mr. Fox
And be scared by the very thought of myself
Appearing before a jury of my peers and thinking
Loving to look at the wasted dreams
Of love forlorn to far away places of nightmares
Wiffing perfumed weed to allow the mind to wander
To the caffeinated hull of the ship Lucia.
Words sporadically entering the mind to flow
Through the pen of the keypad clicking away
Furiously thinking of what to do
And how to avoid the curious implications
And hoping that soon the earthly sands
Enter in and pass without
Or offer love and deep refrains
To Miles and the men who float below the surface
Of a wasted brain.
19 June, 2004
Letter to Senators Levin and Stabenow- Beheading of Paul Johnson
It's time to unite. As Americans we need to put aside our political differences and become one in fighting this insane enemy. It is no longer about what differences we Americans have about the war in Iraq – we are being assaulted for the very fact that WE ARE Americans.
So I urge you to persuade the leaders that have the power to respond to these attacks on American civilians --with brute and unrelenting force. Innocents will die as in all wars, but all solutions must be considered in dealing with these Al Qaida terrorists.
My anger has been steeped by these images of Nicholas Berg and now Paul Johnson. Apply all diplomatic force on the Saudi government – yes, but don’t then assume that it will cure the problem.