11 November, 2002

The Truth About Liberals

Behind the emotions, justifications and ranting there is a root of ignorance demonstrated by the 21st century liberal unlike anything that could be predicted during The New Deal. In objective thought, A=A and reality=reality. Trying to debate with liberals—you may assume that they argue on a logical playing field –but don’t be frustrated- for logic has nothing to do with their case. Usually, arguments melt into name calling, shouting or whatever antics necessary to divert your focus from substance.

Why then is there such a dereliction of mental process for the modern liberal. Whether you see them in the mainstream media or live next to one, they are all quite fundamentally the same:

1. Rule Of Emotion

Listen carefully to libs like Barbara Boxer. On Meet the Press with Tim Russert, her defense of Clinton is prefaced with words like “I feel”. “I don’t FEEL that his [Bill Clinton’s] actions rise to the level of impeachment”. Maybe if Barb stopped feeling her way through the semen stained presidency of Bill Clinton and started THINKING, her sense of law and justice would focus.

2. Belief That Human Beings Are Incapable Of Autonomy

From the labor unions to Hillary’s village, liberals disavow any ability of humans to succeed on their own. Mainstream liberal causes such as homelessness, animal rights, modern feminism, affirmative action, health care and insistence on a government controlled school system all boil down to a common theme: You CAN’T make it on your own.

All these causes lead to programs of forced compassion to those who don’t or won’t take independent responsibility. Well, this writer resents the notion that we need someone else’s help if we are to survive and prosper and this composition is dedicated to that theme. America is still the land of opportunity and this great experiment does not need liberal programs to work.

3. Love Of Government

Have you ever read a bill proposed by a liberal lawmaker that didn’t expand the power of government? Liberals need government because it gives them a medium to promote socialized ideals. Government gives power and power leads to force and force leads to control. Ultimately, liberals wish to control society so government is the means to their end.

Liberals draw their power from managing social clusters. Social clusters from labor unions to manufactured (special interest) clusters like “African American” causes or “working people” [read- not entrepreneurs]. To a liberal, you must belong to a cluster. In some lines of employment your job depends on membership – i.e. labor unions. Abstinence from union participation is tantamount to insubordination and treason. I speak from personal experience.

By the way, you can’t avoid being in a cluster--even if you promote freedom, honor, morality and the U.S. Constitution – in which case your assigned cluster is (the most noble of all clusters)-- the Right-Wing Extremist.

4. Abject Illogic

Don’t believe me? Turn to any news channel and watch Allen Derschowitz for five minutes. Everything that you have ever heard him say can be summarized by the following: “2+2=almost 5”

According to libs, no human is capable of taking responsibility for his or her actions, we need the aid of big government to make it, and by the way, if you think Clinton broke the law---you are a bigot.

Well the truth about liberals boils down to this, truth is what you make it and the ends justify the means (or, the ends justify being mean). But, don’t try too hard to figure them out, leave that to me. Just stay tuned to this periodic tirade and hopefully together we can make a dent.

After years of being primed for this writing experiment, I now embark on a series of short essays that will be my contribution of direct, passionate, and brash common sense into the media world. While these essays will border more on editorializing, my purpose is to point out the common sense and hope reflected in my view of our American society. They will remain short so that those with shorter attention spans will still get some nutrition.

“Carpe Truth!”

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