10 July, 2009

Jim Dobson's "Day of Prayer"

One thing is clear; James Dobson has a HUGE ego. I’ve been listening to his podcast and cannot avoid is egotistical moral indignation that Obama didn’t acknowledge his “Day of Prayer” – as though no one ever prayed until Jim brought God’s proclamation down from the mountain that we can’t pray until Shirley Dobson tells us to.

Hey Jim- you are not a prophet! Last time I checked you were a doctor of some sort. Stop telling us what day we are going to pray and who has to participate. Christians will pray whether or not you tell them to. Oh wait- maybe not. There are so many sheep Christians out there that can’t blow their nose without being told to.

As for Obama – he is a socialist, Marxist who acknowledges only himself as god. Pray for him. Daily. Stop telling him to pray to the God of the Bible when he doesn’t even believe in Him.

Jim- you do good work, mostly and I learn things from you. But cut out the ego. You are just a man.

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