12 January, 2008

Weight Loss- Day 1

OK- here I go.

Today is January 12, 2008.

I am fat. I weigh 314 pounds and have over 38% body fat. I am an insulin dependent diabetic in the express lane to the grave. Starting on January 9, 2008 after returning from a Dallas business meeting I have had enough. I joined the local Nautilus Fitness center and am once again vowing to loose 100 pounds in one year. I have made many promises like this before - all broken. I guess posting pictures of myself here is a way of making myself accountable for my progress.

Life or death- here goes.


Anonymous said...

If anyone can do it, and people do all the time!!! You can!! Just think of all the things you did and like totally leaving the teaching career and doing your own buisness. That took a lot of courage and risk. I know that you can do this too.
I am realistic though, because as I sit here typing this, my empty bowl of icecream is shaking its spoon at me. It's a hard thing to break this food thing. And its so annoying that food has such a power or hold over so many of us. (myself included). Anyways, update on how you're doing. That accountablity thing you mentioned. You're worth it. Now copy all that and send it back to me. :)

duteberta said...

Hi KW- what am I supposed to send back to you? I'm lost.

How are you doing?
