27 October, 2007

Clarence Thomas - A Role Model

I ashamed to admit I have a half dozen half-read books sitting on my nightstand.

My intentions are good but most of the time I just don't find the read compelling. Not so with this book. I couldn't put it down. I got the book last night about 7pm after looking through the mail and finding my package from Amazon. I just finished it and it is truly inspiring.

I will pass this book on to Kellen and the rest of my kids as required reading. Clarence Thomas came from extreme poverty in rural Georgia and has risen to the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. I was made aware of this book by listening to Justice Thomas being interviewed on the Rush Limbaugh Show and Mark Levin Show.

I don't think I have ever heard Rush extol a book like he did with this one.

I find the single most striking thing about Justice Thomas is his humility. He give all the glory of his successes to God -- without exception.

The second most incredible thing is that he always refers to his wife as "my best friend". I find that to be the deepest love imaginable.

His journey has so many lessons to teach all of us. This book is certainly on my short list of best books EVER.

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