28 August, 2007

Legally Correct Swimming Rules


(legally audited by Dewey, Cheatam and Howe)

1. Everyone in the water should wear a buoyant helmet at all times.
2. No extreme movements shall be made by swimmers.
3. No throwing of any objects in the water including foam balls, Q-tips or cotton filled clothing.
4. No talking loudly at any time. Loud talking can distract a swimmer from proper breathing putting the swimmer at risk for drowning.
5. All swimmers must have a medical exam with a doctor’s signature submitted to the lifeguard prior to swimming.
6. No diving head first.
7. No diving feet first.
8. No belly flops.
9. No aberrant behavior or disrespect towards over zealous lifeguards will be tolerated.
10. Any swimmer caught having fun will be asked to leave the Sportsplex.

The Management

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