19 May, 2006

I'm Baaaaack

I'm baaack. Since the foliage has sprouted from our home to the radio tower, we lost internet. Until, that is, I ordered "The Silver Bullet" a powerful antenna that cuts through the forest to optimize the signal. I installed that up on the roof yesterday, in the freezing rain. Why? Because I was desperate for my internet. I suppose it's like an alcoholic needing booze.

So I went up the ladder with an umbrella, socket wrench, crescent wrench, utility knife, tacky tape and a towel. It was ok for the first 10 minutes, then I started feeling, umm- queasy. After all, I was just 3 feet from a 50 foot drop.

Anywho. It turns out that my transmission problem is more likely due to a wireless router problem than anything else.

Long story- short. It finally works!

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