31 May, 2006

SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!

A case of mistaken identity. A small glimpse of the grace of God. A visual demostration of the love of Jesus in coming back from the dead.

Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you, Jesus!

Visit the blog of the Laura VanRyn (authored by her parents), the girl who died and was thought to be alive.

19 May, 2006

I'm Baaaaack

I'm baaack. Since the foliage has sprouted from our home to the radio tower, we lost internet. Until, that is, I ordered "The Silver Bullet" a powerful antenna that cuts through the forest to optimize the signal. I installed that up on the roof yesterday, in the freezing rain. Why? Because I was desperate for my internet. I suppose it's like an alcoholic needing booze.

So I went up the ladder with an umbrella, socket wrench, crescent wrench, utility knife, tacky tape and a towel. It was ok for the first 10 minutes, then I started feeling, umm- queasy. After all, I was just 3 feet from a 50 foot drop.

Anywho. It turns out that my transmission problem is more likely due to a wireless router problem than anything else.

Long story- short. It finally works!

05 May, 2006

Show Your Sis Some Love

Kellen and Benji, you are two of the greatest gifts your mother and I have been given. Kellen, you were born at a time of tumult in our lives at the end of teaching career and beginning of my venture into the scary world of sales and business. Your early formative years saw many changes from living in a busy metropolis, to a serene country farm in Suttons Bay and finally to our forest home. You started kindergarten in Detroit, 1st grade in a school comprised mostly of native Americans and now in Gaylord.

Ben, it hasn’t been quite as turbulent for you, but you too, have had your share of adjustments.

What has your mom and I concerned at this time is your jealousy and resentment towards your younger sisters. Truly, I can understand why you feel this way. Kaylee is a people pleaser. She loves to be around us. She craves approval and love. She is a girl. Ponies, princesses, pink and pretty posies. Brianna is the shadow of her older sister, just slightly funnier.

You love video games, Lord of the Rings movies and watching TV. But just because the girls want to spend more time with us DOES NOT make us love them more than you. I hope and pray that someday you will see that your natural inclinations as boys does not make you less special than them.

Realize that your mother and I made a commitment before you were born that we would never show favoritism and would give you each all the love you deserve. We love you for the boys that you are.

Actually, you are just like me! I was the same way. You wouldn’t catch me coloring pink or asking my parents to watch me dance. I was too busy shooting crows, snakes and trying to get myself killed. Totally boy.

I hope it is sooner than later that you learn to love your “annoying” sisters for who they are. Realize that they look up to you and admire you. To them you are their cool brothers. Hopefully, you can model the chivalrous men someday they will want to associate with.

In the mean time, hold on to love that your little sisters want to show to you and just pretend – just imagine the possibility that their admiration for you may not last forever. Their admiration for you is something that some boys never get and live their whole lives wishing to receive.

Start giving your sisters a big hug.

We love you. Hey – let’s go fishing tomorrow!