28 October, 2004

The Obsolescence of Big Media

CBS, NBS and ABS have done it again. Proved that they are no longer competitive in the news cycle.

It is 7:25 AM on Thursday, October 28, 2004. I logged on to Drudge first thing this morning and saw the large headline:

"Russia tied to Iraq´s missing arms; Pentagon: Weaponry relocated before war "

Then for giggles went to msnbc.com, cbsnews.com and abcnews.com to see what they had on this shocking proof exonerating President Bush on this "missing weaons cache" story - or the "October Surprise".

THERE WAS NOTHING! NOTHING - for all things holy!

Democrats cannot win legitimately! They have NO ideas, NO plan, NO vision, NO optimism and John Kerry is their front man.

Kerry has been shooting off his mouth the last few days about how Bush lost the weapons. This is an direct lie. And Kerry knows it. And now the proof is in - and the egg will today be on Kerry's face!

Kerry hates America, he hates winning a war against terrorism. He hates decent people. He hates, hates, hates. And his ONLY chance of getting a plurality in any poll - and better yet - THE VOTE is by lying and slander.

If you vote Democrat in this election - you are UN-American.

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