29 March, 2009

The Hannan Example

The Heritage Foundation is failing, National Review is failing, the RNC is failing, most mainstream conservative outlets are failing. Failing to proudly, shamelessly proclaim the treachery occurring in Washington.

Yesterday I got a nice big packet from the Heritage Foundation, bastion of conservative thought. I was inspired by the opening letter telling me how to be scared of the liberalism plague spreading across the land. But they are speaking to the choir! I don't need to be reminded of this. Why the hell aren't they singing this tune on the most public of media?

So "no"- I won't contribute to the Heritage Foundation. They are the "same old"- same old that gets our side NOWHERE.

It took Daniel Hannan, a foreign politician, to inspire the masses. He spoke directly to the British Prime Minister, repudiating his liberal charge up the mountain that is bankrupting England.

Hannan, a 36 year old British lad effectively rallied the conservative base in America with one small stone from his slingshot.

Unless I am mistaken, the Heritage Foundation did not sanction this event. Nor did any other think tank from conservadom.

Why is it that conservative, Constitutional change never seems to come from the establishment? It takes an obscure courageous individual speaking truth to power.

Now we have talk radio + 1 to fight liberalism from the pulpit they've been given.

Who else is there? Hello? ---hello? ---hello?