28 August, 2007

Legally Correct Swimming Rules


(legally audited by Dewey, Cheatam and Howe)

1. Everyone in the water should wear a buoyant helmet at all times.
2. No extreme movements shall be made by swimmers.
3. No throwing of any objects in the water including foam balls, Q-tips or cotton filled clothing.
4. No talking loudly at any time. Loud talking can distract a swimmer from proper breathing putting the swimmer at risk for drowning.
5. All swimmers must have a medical exam with a doctor’s signature submitted to the lifeguard prior to swimming.
6. No diving head first.
7. No diving feet first.
8. No belly flops.
9. No aberrant behavior or disrespect towards over zealous lifeguards will be tolerated.
10. Any swimmer caught having fun will be asked to leave the Sportsplex.

The Management

26 August, 2007

Disorganized GSL

Never have I seen such as dysfunctional organization as I have seen with the Gaylord Soccer League. Where do I begin? I have been a soccer parent for two years and now I am a coach.

Let me start by saying the good things. The grass and fields are exceptional. Ummm-that’s about it.

There is CLEARLY little to no leadership at the top of this organization. It started at the coaches meeting when I got my packet full of information and calendar. They had me down as coaching 14 U14 boys. They provided my 14 shirts, 14 shorts and 2 pairs of orange socks. This was my initial indication of something wrong at the top.

I promptly turned around- called and mailed (I paid for stamps) every U14 player introducing myself and providing a detailed calendar and snack schedule.

About a week later after a week of practice I got an email from the assistant director of coaches- that the schedule had completely changed. So I re-printed a whole new set of schedules and handed them out at practice.

Yesterday, Saturday, August 25, I was at the field at 8:30 AM with the rest of the team warming up for our 9AM game in the rain. There we were- ALL OF US, stretching and exercising and getting ready to play.

At 9AM there was NO referee and NO other team to play. It turns out that the other coach “never got” the email sent by the league board about the new schedule. Apparently, the ref “never got” the memo either.

So there we stood in the cold rain not even sure who to confirm the opposing team forfeiture to.

If that was all- it would be bad enough – but what set me off on this blog this morning was going to the GSL website and not being able to get any good information. They still have calendar postings from 3 weeks ago (read: site not updated daily during soccer season). When attempting to find our official schedule the website makes me type is a players name and birthday to see the schedule. (WHY CAN’T COACHES GO ONLINE TO CHECK THE SCHEDULE?) So I type in my son’s info and an error message came up. (?!?!?!?!)

Shouldn't coaches have a designated area on the wesite?

The GSL has such great facilities; it’s a shame that incompetent leadership could be its downfall.