I cannot help but be delighted at watching the media squirm in anger as they realize that they have been had. John Mark Karr is not their man. DNA tests yesterday proved he did not rape JonBenet. God- what a stupid name. It just sounds so pompous and erudite. What a bunch of pompous blow hard parents that would name their kid after French, patแบป eating surrender monkeys.
Granted, I hope they do find the rapist and the killer. I still think it is possible that John Mark Karr may have killed her. Maybe someone else raped her and then he killed her – who knows. He is still a creep. He looks like a lot of college students I remember in music school. I think it’s the polo shirts buttoned to the neck.
It is just that the media was already demonizing Mr. Karr and had him convicted before the truth came out. The TV gaggle couldn’t rush to the microphone fast enough. It would be hard to label any one talking head – but the one I saw last night was the substitute for O’Reilly. I can’t think of his name, but he is otherwise a decent guy (former conservative Congressman from Ohio, I think). He was ranting in disgust at how the Boulder DA screwed this up.
Ha ha - sucka's!
And also let me give the final word on the Ramsey’s. Mr. Ramsey, I hear, is a decent man. I have heard this first hand from a local politician who knows him. Frankly, if I had a chance to meet him, I’m sure we would agree on lot being that we are both conservatives. (Well, I’m 50% Republican, 50% Libertarian- so maybe we would agree on most things.)
But I’m sorry.
Any parent that names their kid JonBenet is screwed up. Then to smear your kids face with make-up, put evening gowns on them and cover them with jewelry shows a serious Oedipus complex.
To me it is the height of arrogance and dysfunction. The poor girl ate it up; I’m sure to no fault of her own. She was a normal girl forced into tragic circumstances by her “popularity fiend” parents.
And if it was Patsy who was the driving force behind the beauty queen pageant complex- I still blame Mr. for being a willing accomplice. As the man in
the family he should have had put his foot down. NOTHING positive comse from these stupid youth beauty pageants! All it does is glorify outward appearance as a primary factor of character. Besides that- it gives the kid a false idea that they are “above” other kids who may not be as attractive- thereby, leading to a contorted view of the world. Also- it pits one couple against another for “the title” of having the “best girl”. What a bunch of crap.
Besides my daughter is way more beautiful than theirs anyway. After all, Kaylee made it to the cover of People Magazine. Suckas!
I don’t mean to resurrect all the negativity especially since Patsy died last hear from cancer- but the frankly- it’s not me who has resurrected these emotions. It is the media who has gone wall-to-wall with JonBenet coverage.
John Mark Karr is a perv – there is no question about it. He is a mistake waiting to happen or maybe it’s already happened. I’m not sure what the facts are regarding his criminal activity- but what is clear is what had been left in his wake – a broken home, abandoned kids, multiple firings from multiple elementary school teaching jobs, residency
in Bangkok .
Folks- let me be blunt about Bangkok. If you are not in the military, missions or just passing through- you are probably there to get attention from 10 year old girls. I could be more graphic- but will try to keep this post somewhere above the gutter.
It is a depraved city. The Sodom or Gomorrah of the far East.
Still, pray for his soul.