14 July, 2007

Bush Fatigue

Peggy Noonan nails it. Check out her latest column American Grit.

You only need to read the first few paragraphs, but the bottom line is: if Peggy Noonan is turning on "W" - it's getting bad.

I have been feeling more and more an annoying indifference to "W". We really don't seem out to win the war in Iraq but rather to manage a conflict. The politics of war and diplomacy have shifted soft in the last 100 years so much now that we as a country are afraid to do the hard and dirty work that must be done to defeat this incessant enemy.

America's new rules of engagment appear to be more interested in asking the terrorists if it was childhood trauma that caused their meanness. We are afraid of inflicting a Blitzkrieg and our brave soldiers are paying the price.

13 July, 2007

Largest Walleye to Date

30 3/8" long and 10 1/2 pounds
Friday, July 13, 2007
Approx 4:03PM
Big Bradford Lake - Waters, MI

Caught with a handmade orange Colorado blade double hook crawler harness. Caught while trolling about 1.4 MPH and took about five minutes to get into boat. wooHOOOO!

03 July, 2007