29 August, 2006

My Take on the Whole JonBenet, John Karr Thing

johnkarr I cannot help but be delighted at watching the media squirm in anger as they realize that they have been had. John Mark Karr is not their man. DNA tests yesterday proved he did not rape JonBenet. God- what a stupid name. It just sounds so pompous and erudite. What a bunch of pompous blow hard parents that would name their kid after French, patแบป eating surrender monkeys.

Granted, I hope they do find the rapist and the killer. I still think it is possible that John Mark Karr may have killed her. Maybe someone else raped her and then he killed her – who knows. He is still a creep. He looks like a lot of college students I remember in music school. I think it’s the polo shirts buttoned to the neck.

It is just that the media was already demonizing Mr. Karr and had him convicted before the truth came out. The TV gaggle couldn’t rush to the microphone fast enough. It would be hard to label any one talking head – but the one I saw last night was the substitute for O’Reilly. I can’t think of his name, but he is otherwise a decent guy (former conservative Congressman from Ohio, I think). He was ranting in disgust at how the Boulder DA screwed this up.

Ha ha - sucka's!

And also let me give the final word on the Ramsey’s. Mr. Ramsey, I hear, is a decent man. I have heard this first hand from a local politician who knows him. Frankly, if I had a chance to meet him, I’m sure we would agree on lot being that we are both conservatives. (Well, I’m 50% Republican, 50% Libertarian- so maybe we would agree on most things.)

But I’m sorry.
Any parent that names their kid JonBenet is screwed up. Then to smear your kids face with make-up, put evening gowns on them and cover them with jewelry shows a serious Oedipus complex.
To me it is the height of arrogance and dysfunction. The poor girl ate it up; I’m sure to no fault of her own. She was a normal girl forced into tragic circumstances by her “popularity fiend” parents.

And if it was Patsy who was the driving force behind the beauty queen pageant complex- I still blame Mr. for being a willing accomplice. As the man in
the family he should have had put his foot down. NOTHING positive comse from these stupid youth beauty pageants! All it does is glorify outward appearance as a primary factor of character. Besides that- it gives the kid a false idea that they are “above” other kids who may not be as attractive- thereby, leading to a contorted view of the world. Also- it pits one couple against another for “the title” of having the “best girl”. What a bunch of crap.

Besides my daughter is way more beautiful than theirs anyway. After all, Kaylee made it to the cover of People Magazine. Suckas!

I don’t mean to resurrect all the negativity especially since Patsy died last hear from cancer- but the frankly- it’s not me who has resurrected these emotions. It is the media who has gone wall-to-wall with JonBenet coverage.

John Mark Karr is a perv – there is no question about it. He is a mistake waiting to happen or maybe it’s already happened. I’m not sure what the facts are regarding his criminal activity- but what is clear is what had been left in his wake – a broken home, abandoned kids, multiple firings from multiple elementary school teaching jobs, residency
in Bangkok .

Folks- let me be blunt about Bangkok. If you are not in the military, missions or just passing through- you are probably there to get attention from 10 year old girls. I could be more graphic- but will try to keep this post somewhere above the gutter.
It is a depraved city. The Sodom or Gomorrah of the far East.

Still, pray for his soul.

12 August, 2006

Why I Voted “NO” on the Jail

[Letter to the Editor of the Gaylord Herald Times submitted August 12, 2006]

After seeing Jail Initiative Fact Sheet published by Otsego County it was clear that I would vote “NO” on the construction of a new jail.

Before seeing the fact sheet I was more concerned with cost of 1.6 mills over 20 years, which would have personally cost me over $4,000 over 20 years. After seeing the fact sheet I was shocked to see the type of people that are being jailed in Otsego County most of which should never be in jail to begin with.

According to the Fact Sheet Crime Statistics, in 2005-2006 there were 3,627 charges against inmates residing at the jail. Fifty-one percent (51%) of charges were drug related. Apparently, many of these are people smoking dope, getting high and ……..threatening public safety? No, just screwing up their own lives. Why waste valuable jail space on pot heads? Hey, if inmates are truly a public threat, such as drunk driving, I believe they should be in punished in jail and detoxed, but for idiots who want to shoot LSD and watch Pink Floyd videos, why send them to jail? That is not an efficient use of my tax dollars!

In addition, I do not see the value of jailing misdemeanor criminals which were 67% of the outstanding warrants as of May of 2006. I see the failure of the New Jail Proposal as a catalyst for proper pruning of the criminal justice system of Otsego County.

Secondly, for those who DO belong behind bars, I want the most discomfort possible. Jail is should not be a social service, it should be punishment. My, how the pendulum swings from cruel Medieval torture to 21st century “rehabilitation” (and cable TV). Where is the middle ground of punishment by confinement? While I am personally compassionate towards the remorseful that have broken laws, I see the role of the county jail to punish.

If you think that 8-12 inmates per cell is crowded, go talk to submarine crew from the U.S. Navy, maybe they could explain what overcrowded accommodations are. I frankly do not care that hardened criminals are uncomfortable. Committing serious crime is not a ticket to Club Med.

If there is a valid safety concern for inmates such as putting hardened criminals in the same cell as first time offenders, then slap the first time offenders with a hefty fine and let them go. Next time they won’t be first time offenders. If Bubba wants to “play” with the other inmates, then either Bubba needs serious restraints placed upon him, or perhaps he belongs in a more restrictive correctional facility.

Thirdly, my “NO” vote on the jail proposal was a personal referendum on what I have seen as over-zealous laws and police officers.

The most recent example is that a good personal friend was stopped by the Gaylord City Police this past week and the corner of Dickerson and M-32 and given a ticket for not wearing a seat belt. When asking the officer what else he had done to be stopped, there was no other reason. The officer said that they were in the middle of a “campaign” to enforce seat belt use. A “campaign?” Without going into a diatribe on my views of useless and intrusive laws, let me say that stopping a driver for not wearing a seat belt is government tyranny.

When fines are delivered to the citizenry to enforce useless laws (“air crimes”) it is strictly revenue raising. In the past it was know as highway robbery, now we call it “Click It or Ticket”. Police need to stop acting as the county pillagers and focus on something serious, such as, oh…..crime fighting.

While this is not directly tied to my nixing a new jail, the “NO” vote is my voice of opposition to law enforcement gone amuck.

Incidentally, I voted “YES” on all other proposals, which provided an actual benefit to me, a citizen of Otsego County.

“Respite to Reload” for Hezbollah

What a bunch of crap! According to the ABC NEWS online headline, Israeli PM Has Accepted Cease-Fire Deal.

Condoleezza has reluctantly taken the bait and caved to the pressures of the “international community” (whatever the hell that means). Time to cycle through the same mistakes that have been happening for the last 60 years.


Here we go again.

Every time Hezbollah and Israel have a “cease fire” or a “time-out” or a new “land for peace” deal, it always ends up as “respite to reload” plan for Hezbollah.

Mark my words. This will not work. It is a merely the calm before the storm. Prime Minister Olmert has accepted this “cease-fire” because of U.N. pressure once again, but the pot is boiling. The time is coming when the godless and demon possessed Hezbollah will again commit an atrocity against Israel, and the camels back will be broken.

There is only one solution to the Israeli – Palestinian conflict. TOTAL DEFEAT OF HEZBOLLAH.

Nothing short will do. Civilians will be killed as all total defeats have shown us. Here are a few battles in history where TOTAL VICTORY meant the killing of civilians.

DATE: February 13, 1945
PLACE: Dresden, Germany
U.S. bombing killed at least 35,000 civilians to ensure the Nazi’s were stopped.

DATE: August 6, 1945
PLACE: Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan
U.S. atomic bombs killed 214,000 civilians resulting in defeat of the murderous Empire of Japan

So let’s see if this new “cease-fire” will be the one that will bring lasting peace to the Middle East.


11 August, 2006

Three Cheers for the MI-5

Have you noticed that EVERYONE is a suspect? The granny with a cane, mothers with baby food and white guys with golf clubs. All because we are afraid to profile.

All Muslims are not terrorists but have you noticed that all terrorists are Muslim?

So we have slowed air transportation to a crawl because now we assume that every traveler is a terrorist. Well, that would be the easy way out wouldn’t it? Since we can’t (won’t) identify Middle Eastern Muslim men as the higher risk for sinister activity, we inconvenience the masses to avoid being called a racist. This is all part of the exposure of
white guilt so poignantly championed be Shelby Steele.

Thanks to the British patriots we are safer again for a while. With laser precision, dogged persistence and steel resolve they have taken down the twenty-one Muslim men who were intent on blowing up airliners over the Atlantic. No CIA leaks, no international diplomacy, no treason by the New York Times and no “cautious restraint” from Kofi Annan, the chief anti-Semite.

Our Homeland Security has much to learn from the MI-5 and the Mossad, if only they would. Take the fight to the enemy and defeat them. Most likely, Middle Eastern Muslim men, that is.